Run: Fartlek Previous Next


3.6 mi


5:36 mi

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<No name>


after a quick stop to catch my breath after the tempo i jogged over to nicks for a quick pit stop and then headed back over to lincoln park. i did an easy loop when i got there, then a 222 lap, then an easy lap, then i went from the start point of the loop back towards the bike path and ended that "on" when i hit the end of the tempo route. jogged from there until i turned onto brainard by the elementary and then turned it on until i got to my car behind merner. for the "ons" my watch had me at 501 pace for the first one 2:22 long, 458 pace for the 2nd one 2:15 long, and 430 pace for the final one 1:52 long
