Run: Easy Previous Next


11.6 mi


6:02 mi


77 F
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<No name>


even more humid today than yesterday. started with dan from res after getting off work and we did extended cress creek into backwards huffman fartlek and then i picked it up a bit the last mile and added on duck. legs felt pretty good, at least in comparison to last week so even though it was super humid i didnt really mind because my legs werent hurting. kinda bummed tho because when i picked it up to mid 5:30 or so the same tightness i've had in the inside of my upper calf/knee came back so the last stretch to res i was really tight. other than this, a solid run. HR definitely higher because of the humidity but im not doing any official workouts this week so thats not really a concern to me. no strides because couldnt figure out how to loosen the leg up after the run other than time itself
