Health: No more tri - for now Previous Next


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Still cannot believe how bad my hamstring is. Its really painful bending my knee even today. So biking is out again, and tbh swimming every day just isn't going to happen for me, I just don't like it enough for it to be the only thing I'm doing. So, going to set aside tri for now and just focus on getting back to running. I don't wanna force myself to the pool and I don't have the mental capacity to be rehabbing two injuries so I need to set aside biking and just focus on staying patient with getting back to running. Also kinda ironic that part of the reason I wanted to get into tri is bc I thought it would keep me healthier, and yet here I am with two injuries, one of which being the worst/longest I've ever had. When I get healthy its all gonna be about continuing to crush rehab + a really solid pre/post-run routine


Dan Stevens


Dan Stevens

I guess you'll stay undefeated against Vince

Dan Stevens

Still lake placid full next year though right?

Ryan Berlin

It was worth it to beat Vince

Ryan Berlin

Full Ironman still on the bucket list. But need to check some boxes first, like training without injury for more than 6months (Have not done since Junior year)