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7:14 AM

13.9 mi


6:51 mi


163 bpm
187 bpm
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The Beaches

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Very nice long run, beautiful weather. Heat coming in this week so really savoring it before its brutal until october. Legs a bit tired from yesterday but just threw it on cruise control and felt decent overall.

Also just a note about my training in general: I've been trying to use my pace on easy/long runs as an indicator of how my training is going (w/o ever checking the pace during, just going on feel). The fact that I'm cruising sub 7s day after 60mi on the bike is a very good sign (and have been running low 7s or sub on other easy runs the last few weeks as well). Compared to my miami buildup last year I would have to force myself to run 7:30s, and would probably be even slower if I just went on feel. Very clear now (hindsight 20:20) that was an obvious sign of overtraining.

Happy with how things are going running 4 days a week w/ 1 workout, gonna hold it right here and just be consistent through the summer. Typically I'd try to start building it up, adding a workout, stretching LR to 205 but given how things have gone the last several years if I make it through August just holding here I will likely be the most fit I've been since Junior year (possibly even better)


joe pisacano

Getting in great shape for wedding too!