Run: Long Previous Next


20 mi


8:20 mi


90 F


8 / 10
3 / 10
  • Map

Dr. Lawless


ouch. It was 90° out which made this run interesting, although it was much cooler in the trees. The first half of the run felt pretty good, much better than I expected really, but I was feeling very, very rough by the end. I think my issue was not eating enough, combined with the heat. I also started to push the pace around mile 7-8 which lasted until mile 12-13, which then turned into a complete slog-fest for the last 5 miles. It was pretty rough...but I was able to mentally get over it and run almost non-stop for the last two miles. I was super proud that I got myself to get over the pain and just relax into it. It was a great mental confidence building moment, even though I'm still slightly daunted that I will be racing 50 miles in less than a month
