Run: Easy Previous Next


5.5 mi


Didn't time this again cause I don't have my watch. Think I was moving at a good pace though. Really hot again. Ran through the woods a little, but I should have chosen a more trails run. Ran lower mileage today. Trying to get to 40 this week, for the easy week, and build from there. If I do 7 every day though, I'm looking at close to 50. So I'll try to throw in lower stuff too. I also don't plan on taking days off for a while. I'm going to try Dan R.s method of gaining mileage, one week 50 in 7 days, then next week 50 in 6 days with a day off, except with the day off being replaced by a really short run. I know myself, and if I don't run everyday, then I will have long breaks and inconsistent running, which will lead to injury. My main goal is to not get injured. At the end of the track season I felt like I could run and do well in a marathon, but at the end of XC I did not. I need to get quality training in before I try my first marathon, and hopefully won't have shinsplints for it.
