Run: Long Previous Next


14.2 mi


6:53 mi


Just guessing the time based on when I left and when I got back. Felt like I was going at a good pace, although I kept losing Burger, so I knew I was going a bit quick, or he was very sore. Guessing I went faster then the pace that is here, because with this pace I assumed we left at 3:05. I know I got back at 445, and by my count we were stopped for 3 minutes at lights. Assuming I counted too fast, which I usually do, you get the time I put. Still, since I got off work at 1, I doubt I changed and started under 5 minutes, not to mention walking over to harrington from the lib, and I probably ran slightly faster. This isn't good, as today was an easy day, but I felt great. Maybe it is the awesome workout yesterday, or the fact that I'm rereading once a runner, but I was psyched and felt great. Tomorrow I'm lifting and doing 5 min. abs. Good to have a nice long run though. This puts me back on pace to get my weekly mileage. Depending on what the workout is tomorrow, we could run upwards of 10 or 12 miles, putting me around 65. We'll see.
