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26.2 mi


6:57 mi


Taking this easy. I'm going out 730 pace or slower. Might be miserable again.


Place Div /Tot Div Name No. Age S City St Time Net Time Pace Half 30k Qual

44 19/107 M2029 PETER BROWN 582 24 M Andover MA 3:02:19 3:02:02.6* 6:57 1:33:41 2:11:12

Negative split it slightly.

I'll put my real time in as soon as it is posted. Had to stop to pee so about a minute off. My time is 3:01:01

Went out with the 315 pace group. First mile was really slow, but I actively tried to not pass people. So the first 4-5 miles were on pace for a 315, maybe a little faster, I may have pushed the pace guy. Then I picked it up, and didn't slow down until I stopped. I figured I would die, running wise not go to heaven wise, but I didn't. I just kept passing people. So that was good. I think I negative split it too. Didn't hit a wall at all. I think from now on I'm going to actively try to go out slow. I don't even feel that beat up right now.

On the negative side, the only thing on in the morning at 6 was music videos and looney tunes, so I had the kill the wabbit part stuck in my head, and the song skyscraper. Not that mad about the kill the wabbit part, kind of psyched really, I didn't know they still showed looney tunes. Less psyched about skyscraper, although after being in my head for 3 hours, it is growing on me.

Training Plan Entry


26.2 mi


Taking this easy. I'm going out 730 pace or slower. Might be miserable again.


