Run: Easy Previous Next


8:00 AM

7 mi


8:00 mi


124.5 lb


People talk about a run that says "I am back". This was a run that said "I am on my way". Felt amazing, so light on my feet, muscles and tendons working together well (95% of the time), going faster but still easy effort. Time and pace are approximate again, but I felt like I went faster than normal. I did 30-60 secs sprints on the Gray hills, about 8 of them I think. Felt so light on the hills! Ah, so hard to run only 7 today, lots of inner dialogue with my imp voice telling me to go just a little further, just a little faster... I did good though:)

Plan to kill my legs after my evening patients tonight-lower body weights, etc and hard resistance elliptical, and then do a light bike workout only tomorrow to rest up.
