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9:20 AM

7.9 mi


5:04 mi


160 bpm
178 bpm
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2k w/3:30 rest+ 6x1200 w/2' rest+ 500-300-200 w/ next rep jog. Woke up to what looked like an impending thunderstorm so sat on the couch drinking my coffee wondering if I should run the workout on the treadmill or even push it to after work at 7 pm. weather app was calling for 23 mph S wind and 100% chance of rain with the little thunder cloud emoji. I was more worried about my own safety on the trail in the case of a thunderstorm but at the 11th hour it looked like the giant red blob was breaking up right as it got to Tulsa. In fact the weather app was wrong on a lot of parts, while it did rain a lot, the "south" wind was definitely SW which was more of a diagonal tailwind so the times weren't aided quite as much as anticipated. secondly the wind was at most 15mph but closer to 10-12 mph. I felt flat pretty much the whole workout but none more evident than when I started on the 2k, felt alright but split 4:52 and it was a little demoralizing, finished in 6:01.1. I wanted some retribution on the 1200's but again, there was very little life to my stride and I was pushing myself without much speed. 3:31.9, 3:32.6, 3:34.8 for the first half. when I finished the 3rd I had to do a lot of self talk because the frustration was mounting as I positive split. 3:32.4, 3:33.6, 3:34.0 for the second half. I could not find a rhythm for the life of me but resolved to not give in to the negativity and kept pushing what I could. Finally hit the short ladder at the end of the workout and the rest jogs helped to keep things more cohesive and I felt better going into the subsequent rep. Ran 85.9, 49.8, 32.2 for the first set. I was feeling better about the workout but part way through that set the rain stopped and the wind started to pick up big time, and even the mild cross-ish wind was agitating. 88.3, 51.2, 33.2. I felt better at the end than I expected even with another annoying positive split. I thought I'd get a big wind-aid this morning but at best it felt calm at times, no push, I feel confident saying that the times were probably close to an accurate representation of the effort. as I write this now the wind is howling and a wind advisory is in effect calling for gusts of up to 55-60 mph.
