Run: Progression Previous Next


7:05 AM

14 mi


6:23 mi


155 bpm
188 bpm
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(LM) rough morning. My alarm didn't go off so I overslept by an hour and a half. I rushed out of the apartment without getting my pre-run coffee or dump in. phone let me down a second time by not updating the weather app and it was really 17 degrees, not 27 like it said before I left. During the warm-up my ears stung so bad from the frigid air. Had a progression run slated and planned on doing 8 with a 3/3 warm-up cool-down. acceleration was easy in the first couple miles, maybe a little too much so. I didn't have a set drop in mind. went 5:57, 5:46, 5:35, 5:29 then turned to head back. I was feeling it but the next two miles were still dropping. 5:20, 5:13. It wasn't until I hit the Gathering Place and had to deal with the hills that my legs were getting drained. I was breathing hard and my stride couldn't seem to get moving any faster. I worked hard to a 5:13 again and called it. My HR had climbed to 188. I could have run another mile but I really doubt I would have negative split considering how the 7th mile felt. In retrospect, I could have done a better job of not getting antsy in the early-middle part of the progression so I wouldn't bottom out too early. took a longer cool-down back. (Statics, BHR)
