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10 mi


5:36 mi


Nike Zoom Fly

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(4 mile tempo+ 4x huffman loop+ 4x400m) Whether it was being frisky after having such a down day yesterday or it might have been a coffee/caffeine induced euphoria, either way i decided to do a three part workout after work this morning. wanted to maintain a tempo approach to what ever i decided to do so went to do huffman st. loops. the tempo started off at a steady clip and eventually knocked down as the run went on. finished the regular warm up (3.75) in 19:48. I felt pretty crappy during the tempo and the hills werent any easier. I maintained around 6:00-6:10 pace and that was tough for whatever reason. ended up doing 4 loops before running back to campus, I wanted to do more but it looked like a storm was starting to roll in. I jogged to the outdoor track and did 4x400 (100m jog) they were tough mostly because of the head wind on the home stretch but tried to maintain fluidity that i kinda struggled to find during the course of the workout. [67, 68, 68, 69] over all i hoped that the workout wasnt as much of a struggle as it was but i feel like i gained some mental toughness having to do it all alone and still press.
