Run: Tempo Previous Next


12 mi


5:48 mi


10 mile tempo on the prairie path. My hip is still fucked but I don't think I made anything worse by running on it, in fact it didn't kill me until the cool down. The first mile was conservative in 6:20 and the next one was probably around 6 flat but after that the rest of the out portion was 5:15-5:20 pace. I felt pretty bad on the way out. Just kept at the front and tried to match Troy and Travis. Around 4 miles into the way out a big landed in my mouth/lip and bit/stung me. I don't know what it was but it hurt like hell and as the run progressed it just it more and more swollen. We turned and it wasn't quite a sprint but def a pace drop. We hit 4:50 for the first mile and Troy dropped back to Mamerow Vazquez and I, we didn't reel Travis in for another mile or so but once we reconnected we were clicking along. Troy Travis and I ran stride for stride pretty much the last mile and a half. It became more tame but still ran 25:42 for the last 5 miles. Hip held up but didn't feel good, lip was super swollen from sting/bite so after the cool down Grammy made me go back to campus to get checked by the trainers. Good effort, a nice start to preseason training, some of the guys were really impressive today


Kyle Brady

First mile was 7:00..but it did feel like 6:20