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8:57 AM

1.9 mi


3:58 mi


115 bpm
156 bpm
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Niwot High School

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10x300 (85%-90%-95% effort) w/3' rest. Had a nice crew including Will and Elias to share pacing duties and add a fun competitive element. This morning with deceptive though. The rest was massive for such short reps and early on we were rolling. We were close to running sub 43 before halfway and thankfully will spoke up and reeled things back in. Eli is far and away faster than the two of us, even if he hadn't been on the track in months, as a 4:02 guy this was child's play. I felt like I handled the intensity better than I had anticipated, even if I was hands on knees at the end of the last couple. The fatigue and neuromuscular burn came hard and fast, but late. I could tell if I had tried to keep 43-44 I would have burned out as my form would tighten up the last 50m as I was in the final bit of the top end acceleration. 45s felt far more controlled even if they were just marginally slower. 44.2, 43.8, 43.5, 44.3, 45.0, 45.0, 44.1, 45.1, 44.9, 45.0. I was having fun running fast and thought about swinging wide on Will in the homestretch to beat him to the line but kept it under control. The point of this morning was to further develop my economy and I don't think running 43s, dying to the line, or outsprinting Will, would have positively impacted that goal. Hopefully this will translate to better speed maintenance for my primary interval sessions, or maybe I need to start wear spikes for those as well. (5x Leg Circuit)
