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8:59 AM

6.1 mi


5:28 mi

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Furman Track

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20' tempo (progressing 1"/400 from 77 every 4')+ 5' jog + 5x200 cutdown from 35 w/200 jog. i was not excited for this one. the pacing seemed daunting and on the warm up i was not feeling too lively. nonethless, took the first 4' with no real problems, mark set us up perfectly. I took over and assumed it would be my only real turn in control and ran solid 76's. When mark regained the pacing duties i just started to space out and before i knew it we were coming up on 12'. I surged to the lead and to my own amazement sustained 73-74's. we ended smack dab at 4 miles thanks to a 72 last lap. didnt kill ourselves to do it (not that it was easy by any stretch) but very satisfied. finished off the track work with 200's: 33.4/33.2/31.3/31.0/29.3
