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36.5 mi


21.68 mi / hr

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<No name>


Tough ride overall today. Was running late leaving work and body and legs are sore and tired from a long weekend without doing all the little things lately. Lucked out to have the wind at my back on the way out to meet up with the group. Was hitting good chunks between 23 and 28 mph on the way out. Stayed with the group longer than I normally make it today but felt terrible once I got dropped because the wind was pretty brutal and my quads were shot. Was hitting good chunks close to 18 mph on the way back and struggled to gain any ground. Lost big ground on the lead group but slowly worked up to catch the other guy that got dropped. Kept it tough but no easy chunk today with my body. Felt even worse going home into the wind solo as well. Finished this up and got in my 200 push-ups and 500 crunches before heading straight to work for the meeting tonight.
