Run: Building Previous Next


13.5 mi


5:56 mi

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<No name>


Run may have been longer or shorter than this today but hard to tell. Was making loops in 9:30 give or take on what is usually a solid clip at 10 minutes. Definitely had some solid tempo areas and areas I felt like I was flying. Also had plenty of times my legs just felt tired and sore still. Glad I didn't race but wondered what I could have run. Was able to take my shirts off by 20 minutes in or so and enjoyed the warm run at Blackhawk today. Last 1.05 miles or just over was uphill and still ran 5:33. Very solid close today which was equal to 5:18 with a long ass hill to start. Good tempo-ish run today at marathon pace feel even though I was slower with the terrain and the trails.
