Bike: Easy Previous Next


17.2 mi


19.97 mi / hr

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<No name>


Ride to work today was running late so had to take a shorter route. Legs still felt decent on the way there though. Made that 7.3 in 20:51. Not too bad for not having been up for very long this morning and the legs being a bit tight. Was very warm by the time I left work but wanted to ride and drop stuff off downtown at the store before heading back home to get showered before my massage. Was a little tougher carrying everything in my bag and may have slowed me down slightly. Made that ride from South to North and then back home in 30:49 for that 9.9. A bit slower but whatever, legs are tired and noob drivers for some of it. Glad I got a decent workout in before getting the massage because didn't feel like running afterward.
