Run: Long Previous Next


16.8 mi


6:17 mi

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<No name>


Long run with the college guys again. Didn't get up as early as normal because I was very tired and struggled to sleep well last night. Was a bit sore all over from yesterday's massage and just tired and a little tight in general this morning so took a little while to open up today. Felt pretty tired in general today and was just waiting to feel better and try to open up on people. Stayed with the group until Herrick where I took the short way to the bathroom because I really needed to go. After that ran to WWS because I thought they had passed me while I was in the bathroom, turns out they were only a couple hundred meters back. Circled back and joined them again until inside of the park near Blackwell where I turned to go straight to the hill and they wanted to go around first. I wasn't sure my foot would hold up to all of that so set for the hill alone. Hill was definitely hard but didn't crush it. Made it to the top and came down on the gravel. Hit up the water fountain there to attempt to choke down my 2nd gu. Got that in, stopped by the bathroom real quick and still couldn't see anyone so I started on my way back alone. Headed back toward McDowell and was still feeling fairly smooth all things considered for the legs feeling sluggish. Got dive bombed by a bug in the eye right before crossing warrenville road, so had to stop for a minute because I couldn't see. Got back going and was just trying to stay smooth. Made it almost out of McDowell before someone screamed at me. I think it was a few of the guys but I just kept running trying to go fast enough to not let them catch me. I didn't have any gears to make this impossible but seemed to push enough to keep my distance. Made it back at 1:43 so headed up the hill in front of Merner and then looped back down. Knees were sore the last 15 or 20 minutes and legs were tired. Foot was a bit stiff after the run but did 4 harder strides for the first time in a long time. By the end of these, legs felt pretty good all things considered. Got my endurox and a light stretch before getting in my car to get home so I could bike out to work today as well.
