Run: Long Previous Next


18 mi


6:41 mi

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<No name>


Good long run today. Kept a bit more relaxed most of the time due to running with guys getting ready to taper. Foot strike and right ankle didn't feel great today but the rest of the legs felt pretty good. Pretty nice temps for a long run, wearing a long sleeve, hat and gloves today. Headed from home to NCC, took a few laps while people were getting ready then headed out to Springbrook. Took the usual loop then headed back to NCC via Modaff. Took the detour around our house to finish backward on duck then up and around the school to finish in the rear. Proceeded to finish up with my 2 hours today by heading up and doing library loop and knowing I was going to need more time. Got back down by the highland lot and picked up the pace at 1:50.00. Took highland until it ended at Julian, headed right all the way til prairie. Took another right and around the grade school to take the morning run route back to the house. Still had time to spare so finished hard all the way til loomis. Last 1.9 in 10:00 was 5:17 pace to close it off at least. A solid close and need to get used to this again.
