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31.1 mi


21.48 mi / hr

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<No name>


I was hoping the little to no wind today with sunny skies and warmer temps would lead to a faster ride today but legs still felt tired and a bit sore and body was still just fatigued from the last two weeks and almost no sleep last night. Finally got out around 3 to go ride so ended up with some decent chunks along the way. Went pretty hard for a couple segments in the middle and late in the ride but was overall just fatigued again. Hopefully I feel better tomorrow morning with long run but after the last couple weeks not sure of that yet. Got home and finished up my core for the day with a total of 400 push-ups and 720 crunches with the med ball to go along with some good rolling out and stretching so should be prepped for a good one in the morning. Despite a lot of stress and work and working out this week and very little sleep for no good reason, getting a lot of work in this week.
