Run: Long Previous Next


6:30 AM

20 mi


6:05 mi


133 lb


72 F


10 / 10
7 / 10


Loved the weather today. It was pouring again and we headed out to McDowell to enjoy the swamp-like muddy conditions. Run started faster than I wanted but dealt with what it was and hung on as long as I could. Got dropped by Carrigan, Carlson, and Chris Derrick about 50 minutes in. Finished off that grass loop and added 2 more back loops and another grass loop before leaving McDowell. Settled in a bit more into my own rhythm at that point and tried to gut it out for 2 hours. About an hour in my ankles started getting sore but kept going. I definitely ran a slower 2nd half than first half but stayed tough enough to get just over 2 hours and then ran my last quarter on the track. All I could muster up at that point was a 68, but it's the longest I've run by a lot in the last 6-8 months. Definitely not happy about getting owned on the run but taking it all in stride as another step towards the strength I'll need for a half-marathon this fall. Tried to map the course as accurately as possible, I was thinking more towards 19-19.5 but I'm gonna leave it as is and low-ball tomorrow's run instead.
