Bike: Easy Previous Next


22.6 mi


19.51 mi / hr

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<No name>


Winds were just brutal today but had an objective on the ride. Ended up delivering some nutrition that someone bought over the phone and kept the rest of my ride over by Greene Valley and Green Trails area. Based on the direction of the wind thought I would make a couple of hard surges down the big hill today to see how close I could get to a PR. Didn't take into account how busy that area is about the time that school lets out. That was pissing me off because I kept having to slow down or ride a bit more recklessly to try to get my time. Legs really struggled going back up the hill afterward with the wind directly in the face. Made great time going down the hill between 29mph and 33 mph on average but struggled to keep close to 14-16 mph going back up on most of them. A nice shock to the system and glad to go hard but really struggled to keep moving going uphill into the wind today. The last of my 3 downhills was my fastest and a new pr, but not quite the best ever done, a few seconds shy of that still. Struggled on the way back home today mostly into the wind but glad to get the time on the bike. Finished up and got in 450 push-ups and 500 crunches as well.
