Bike: Easy Previous Next


12.8 mi


19.55 mi / hr

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After spending 40 minutes trying to get the velometer to work on my bike, gotta the battery replaced and got that part working but couldn't get the sensor to pick up. Finally said fuck it for today and just took it out anyways. By now the heat index was over 100 and temps were mid 90s. This is the first day I really felt like the temps affected my biking, plus the wind was pretty brutal today. My foot hurts again today for the 2nd day in a row after a week of feeling pretty decent so I'm super pissed about that too. Hit the 15:00 mark at 4.8 miles in (19.2 mph), then the 30:00 mark at 9.7 miles (19.4 mph avg & 19.6 mph for the segment). Finished at 12.82 miles for the total ride in 39:21 (19.55 mph avg) which is 20 mph for the last 3 and change miles. Not bad for the legs feeling heavy, the foot hurting, and the wind and heat. Not quite what I had envisioned for the day but just need to keep getting something in while this damn foot heals.
