Bike: Easy Previous Next


16.2 mi


20.78 mi / hr

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<No name>


Made really good time on the way to work today despite tired legs and low energy levels just because the wind was at my back almost the whole way, and it was breezy. Solid time overall and despite being sore and tired, felt good to keep getting stuff in. Definitely low on calories and hydration by the time I got to work. It was pretty much spot on at 8 miles on the way out in 22:33. Made it back after work for the 8.2 in 24:14. Still decent time all things considered but the wind was rough on the way back. Legs were much more tired now that they had settled out of workout mode and stood all day. Made better time than expected but just kept the gears and easy as I could handle so there wasn't much strain on this. Great day of working out overall but will likely be tired the next couple days.
