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14.1 mi


6:23 mi

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<No name>


Long run with the guys this morning. Wished I would have had a couple more minutes to loosen up beforehand but they were ready to go by the time I got there. A fairly quick start the first few miles but nothing crazy fast. Had to surge pretty hard to hit the rest room in McDowell and try to not lose too much ground on the guys. Still lost a bit of ground and had to surge a few more minutes to catch up. After I finally got up to them, I struggled to get my heart rate back down. Was able to stick with them for another 10 minutes or so but by 40:00 in, I couldn't handle the pace with my foot and breathing together. Stopped for water and a stretch for the foot. Ran with Kachlik the next few miles until we hit up the water/bathrooms at Herrick. Shortly after that, caught Sebhat and we all ran together until just before leaving Herrick. Foot was really struggling by this point but only got worse once we got back on the pavement and sidewalks. Definitely not a smooth way to get in the 90 minutes but glad I was able to make it work. Need new shoes and preferably something that doesn't rip chunks of my foot apart. Had to add on a couple minutes after getting back to NCC to get the 90. Good to get it in but still a long ways to go.
