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12:46 PM

18 mi


11:39 mi


74 F


4 / 10
5 / 10
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Humid as hell (the return of Summer?) and still pretty beat-up from HM race 4 days ago, so cut 20 back a bit and did a fair amount of walking. Not a horrible run, just pretty uncomfortable and not strong. One more 20 in 9 days or so, then on with taper for GR.

Did have some of that not-so-nice calf tightness that precedes all-out cramping by a few miles. Can't blame it on pace. Instead of my usual Gatorade Endurance I brought only plain water...had some intestinal issues this AM and didn't want to go adding a ton of additional sugar to the mix. Should have grabbed some electrolytes capsules to have along. I need to try those on last 20 miler, as I may just be drinking plain water on the course.
