Run: Tempo Previous Next


8:52 AM

7.4 mi


6:04 mi


164.3 lb
160 bpm
177 bpm
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Hammel Woods


5mi Tempo+8×200/200jog

Tempo in 27:43 (5:32.8)

200s avg 34.28

Lack of sleep+lack of food=lacking on Monday. I knew this was prob gonna be a bit of a struggle, but I still muscled through it for the most part. 5:32 avg for a 5 mi Tempo on a sub par day beats 5:30avg on a 4 mi race only 3 weeks ago. The difference maker has been sleep, flexibility, and strength work especially. School year structure will really help I think. ~3 weeks to Tracksmith 5000m

Tempo started out fairly controlled and I didn't feel too bad as we came through in 5:33. Pressed on the gas just slightly through the second mile and hit a 5:30. Pack was still together except Owen who had dropped a bit. Pressed a bit more through 3 and still felt solid, but got dropped as we went around the playground. From there, I def struggled to up the tempo, but thought I was gonna die way worse than I actually did. Just over a mile to go I could hear Camyn yelling back to me, then O'Shea letting me hear it too. Proud of them for holding me accountable and tried to rally from there, but couldn't get going too much harder from what I was at. After the tempo, I was a bit surprised I had still managed to hit 5:32s so I was a little more positive going into the 200s.

200s felt fine, not super fast, not slow either though. They flew by. Kinda like Owen and Camyn on the last rep who absolutely blasted the last one in what had to be 26 or 27 something.
