Run: Race Previous Next


3:24 PM

26.2 mi


10:30 mi


145 lb
145 bpm


84 F


8 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result

604 / 2397 (25.2%)
93 / 356 (26.1%)


Placement stats are for marathon, not entire race. HR avg on the marathon is a guess, since I hit my lap button for every mile.

Had the same issue I had at Ironman Arizona with having a bloated stomach from too much liquid, but wasn't going to the bathroom much (once after swim, once on bike, once before run). From around miles 5 - 10 were probably the worst as far as my stomach, but got progressively better the longer I went on. Wound up negatively splitting the run (by how much I'm not certain - 5 minutes?). Garmin didn't acquire sat signal, so I felt a bit "handicapped" not getting precise pace info, and constantly doing the math in my head (not easy to do in an Ironman!). Wound up taking walk breaks through most of the aid stations. Didn't eat much - one GU, a few orange slices and pretzels. Mostly just drank Gatorade Endurance, coke, and water. Took a few Enduralytes.


1 - 8:44 (hr = 150)

2 - 9:25 (hr = 150) had a GU here, the only one I had on the run!

3 - 9:54 (hr = 149)

4 - 9:13 (hr = 151)

5 - 9:24 (hr = 148)

6 - 15:49 (hr = 136) - porta john break

7 - 9:53 (hr = 142)

8 - 10:31 (hr = 141)

9 - 13:00 (hr = 134) - another porta john break

10 - 11:20 (hr = 137)

11 - 10:42 (hr = 133)

12 - 10:33 (hr = 138)

13 - 10:57 (hr = 137) - talked to Mom on phone somewhere around here, told her I was on pace for 13:00 - 13:30 finish

14 - 11:41 (hr = 136)

15 - 8:43 (hr = 149) - feeling good!

16 - 10:05 (hr = 147)

17 - 9:46 (hr = 147)

18 - 9:04 (hr = 146)

19 - 15:17 (hr = 136) - talked with Nick, Wisam on phone

20 - 8:56 (hr = 138)

21 - 11:55 (hr = 134)

22 - 10:15 (hr = 139)

23 - 10:46 (hr = 139)

24 - 9:19 (hr = 143)

25 - 9:52 (hr = 143)

26.2 - 9:50 (around an 8:00 pace for last 1.2 miles) (hr = 146)

At mile 20, I had 70 minutes to run the last 10k in order to break 13 hours, so I was feeling pretty confident I'd do it. Wound up running the last 10k in just about an hour exactly.

Event HR stats (swim, bike, run):


Avg HR = 148

Max HR = 181

Z1 = 0:58:20 (hr = 126)

Z2 = 7:34:20 (hr = 144)

Z3 = 4:14:54 (hr = 161)

Z4 = 0:02:22 (hr = 177) - hills on bike course
