Bike: Easy Previous Next


11:30 AM

36.5 mi


17.66 mi / hr


155 lb
163 bpm
183 bpm


85 F


4 / 10
5 / 10
  • Map

W&OD Trail


I am a dumb-ass. I was so concerned because ever since getting my compact cranks installed, I was having terrible rides - lower than usual speeds, AND higher heart rates. I figured it was due to recovering from Comrades, not having cycled much recently, the heat, or getting used to the compact cranks and the different gearing ratios, finding my "sweet gears", etc. Was getting a little concerned that I had made a mistake with getting the compact cranks.

Turns out it was my rear brake rubbing on the rim of my wheel. Suspect it happened when I loaded my bike into my car, probably taking it back from Bonzai. Discovered it today at the turn-around in Ashburn, centered the brakes, and after that, I was FLYING. Compact cranks ROCK!!!! As just one example, on the Hunter Mill Road incline stretch toward Vienna, it's usually a struggle to keep my speed over 18mph. Here, I was hitting over 19mph. Can't wait to go riding again!

Time out to Ashburn - over 66 minutes. Time back - easily under an hour (not sure of the exact time, because I stopped off at Spokes and forgot to stop my watch - time to Spokes, in Spokes, and back from Spokes probably added about 7 - 8 minutes to ride).
