Bike: Easy Previous Next


3:34 PM

17.6 mi


16.73 mi / hr


122 bpm
164 bpm
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Awesome day on the bike today. After practice I headed over to Derry to do the bike path. This is the first time in a long time (2018?) I've been on the bike path on the bike, and I think the first time ever I've done the Windham and Salem portions on one.

I planned for up to 20 miles, and I wasn't sure how far I'd make it, but I ended up getting all the way to the end. The path now ends at the Tuscan Kitchen, at Main St. Well, it's probably ended there for a while, not that I would have known. I was expecting it to go all the way into the Tuscan Village, as that really would have gone with the SoDoSoPa vibe. But that section was still under construction.

Overall the trail was pretty good. There were a lot of leaves in a lot of places. Imagine the trail was covered with intermittent rugs, but leaves. They were pretty thick. But thankfully it's been dry for a while, so they weren't slick. And the trail is straight, so that minimizes a lot of danger too. I still went slower through those leaf rug patches just in case. Even so, I could still maintain a reasonable pace. And there was a good amount of people, but not enough to really slow me down either.

It was a beautiful day to ride. And it was really nice to be away from traffic. It's too bad this trail is so far away from me. Next I will check out how the Nashua rail trail is for riding.
