Bike: Easy Previous Next


6:27 AM

16.4 mi


13.43 mi / hr


115 bpm
140 bpm


66 F
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Interesting ride today. I wanted to go out to the center of Amherst and back. Once I got to the center I went really slow and checked it out. Very cool old town center. Lots of old houses. Nice town green thing, with a couple other adjacent green spaces.

Then I went to go back to Merrimack, and what's a paved road in Merrimack is a dirt road in Amherst. Fun. I wasn't expecting that. It had just rained the night before so I kept an eye out for particularly muddy sections. It was okay for the most part on my bike going slow, but I certainly didn't trust my tires on this material. I got off the bike at one point to walk it on a particularly muddy and steep downhill. Got back to pavement after a while and was fine after that. Would be nice to have a bike with slightly wider tires, and something I can trust more, to handle stuff like that. My purple bike would have been a lot better.
