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6:41 AM

7.4 mi


10.22 mi / hr


Giant ATX 780


100 bpm
128 bpm
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Short mostly chill ride. I tried out the back way into Tara Heights. Basically, just for getting to Pressed, not worth it. Just go E. Dunstable to Lamb. This back neighborhood has a GIANT hill. Glad I had my converted mtn bike because I needed its granny gear. Lowest ring in the triple, lowest gear, and still a good effort to get up this wall of a hill. It was pretty long too. Mostly flattened out towards the end and onto the street ending in the Tara trail. Came out at the high point of the Tara loop, and big down and uphills on that loop too. As opposed to just one hill plus a gradual down on the main roads.

It was fun to explore though. Cool that this path exists. And I'm sure I can find a training use for such a steep and massive hill, whether it be running or cycling. It's only a little more than a mile from my house. I think there are similar inclines in the same neighborhood.

Didn't go much farther on this ride, just explored where Mid Dunstable went (not far) and headed home after getting to Shady Lane. Didn't want to stay out too long as I needed to get to the meet. Athough 7 miles isn't far, 45 minutes of riding and a huge hill isn't too bad.
