Run: Easy Previous Next


9:40 AM

8 mi


8:23 mi


141 bpm
175 bpm
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Since Ben wasn't gonna wake up til past 11am (egad!) I did my own thing this morning. Since we went to the right yesterday, I went to the left today. I didn't have much of a plan, just went out and did what I felt like. Got down to the river trail and just kept following it. It was open and flat for a while, but after that it started going into the woods a bit. It narrowed into single track and then climbed up and down the hillside. Quite steep in both directions. Fun to scramble up and down. Had that for a little while, then came to a clearing, then had some more.

I turned around once I got to the top of a particularly steep hill that looked a little sketchy to go down. I was nearly at 4 miles anyways, and figured I probably shouldn't go crazy long considering my recovery plan. So turned around there to get 8 miles in. Felt great and had lots of fun :)

Training Plan Entry


8 mi


15min WU

30min progress to M pace

10min CD

this can be easy run also; recovery week!!
