Bike: Easy Previous Next


8:31 AM

12.1 mi


14.67 mi / hr

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Ryan took us to this sweet cement bike path near his house. It was very smooth and also very twisty. I was glad I was on the bike today because it was suuuper fun to rip up those curves. Wish it was possible to do on my motorcycle :) Adding to the fun of the curves was the puddles. It had rained a lot the day before and was still pretty overcast at the time of the ride, and the bike path went along a lot of marshland. As a result some of that marsh had filled up with enough water to flow over the bike path in spots. I went pretty slow at first to try to minimize splashing, but when that didn't work too well I basically said fuck it and only slowed down somewhat for the rest of the puddles. Going through the puddles at speed turned out to be pretty fun. I eventually reached the end, which ended with this awesome uphill corkscrew through a small park. Then I turned around and did it all again. The average was slower for this bike, partly because of the curves, part puddles, and part having way too much fun to care about things like average pace. My shoes were soaked and I had a line of mud up the entirety of my back / head but who cares, it was way worth it.
