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8:19 AM

14.1 mi


7:09 mi

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Real solid run with Grant, Colin and Jake. I did this long run a while back but added on a bit more this time to make it to 14. Got the uphills out of the way in the beginning before doing the bike path for most of the second half. Felt great pretty much the entire time. Legs a little sore at the end but not that bad. Yesterday was way worse for that haha.

Turns out I was a few tenths short of 60 miles on the week. Close enough though, I'm counting it for sure. On the logging site for my GPS watch it showed my total mileage for the week before I logged it on here, and I think the walking from the workout pushed it over the edge. I didn't count the walking as part of the workout when I logged on here.

So now I'm at 60 I'd like to stay here for a while. I have achieved my mileage goal so now I can move on to another variable. In the buildup I haven't worried about my caloric intake and just ate enough to fuel the running. I have been maintaining for quite a while, but I have been maintaining at 8-10 lbs above ideal. I'd like to get that down so that will probably be the next variable I'll attempt changing. Meanwhile for running I will stay at 60mpw and keep it consistent. I was 120-122 before I got plantar fasciitis last year and have been 128-130 for a while.

Another variable I may try to change is throwing in some workouts. I am definitely doing club xc this season so at the very least I will be racing with some consistency through the fall. It definitely wouldn't hurt to try throwing in a workout a week. The workout I did on Friday was fun and not very hard. It would be nice to start doing some tempos and fartleks, with an interval workout here or there. It's not necessary at this point as I'm racing well enough just off of mileage. But it would be nice to get some speed and some faster races.

But doing that will require a little bit of strategy when it comes to fueling, I would be adding in some carbs mid-week at that point. So a little more planning involved which would make focusing on weight loss harder. But maybe the weight loss would come either way. I'll probably just focus on the weight loss through September and see how racing goes. Then based on the outcome of both my weight loss progress and race performance I can decide how I want to attack training in October. Being consistently at 60mpw on its own may yield faster race times then what I've been doing already. So will wait and see.
