Bike: Easy Previous Next


8:44 AM

4.6 mi


12.88 mi / hr


106 bpm
128 bpm


62 F
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Pretty crunched for time today and had a close call right at the start of the ride. Made me reflect on how in a rush I've been. It's been so frustrating feeling like I've been on a conveyor belt with no break for so long. Thankfully God answered my prayers after this ride when I went to leave for Ben's. There was a miscommunication and we are actually going to pick up the car next Saturday, not today. So I unexpectedly got the day back. I was able to have a leisurely breakfast, spend a lot of time in the garage doing bicycle maintenance, and get some meal prep done. Finally, a day where I didn't owe anybody anything. Where I could go at my own pace doing what I want. It was sorely needed and is sorely needed on a regular basis.
