Run: Fartlek Previous Next


3:21 PM

8.8 mi


7:13 mi


147 bpm
165 bpm
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Frolicking Fartlek Day

First unstructured fartlek! Could not have turned out better. Didn't even realize today was supposed to be 60 degrees. Shirtless run in mid November. I was filled with giddiness and exuberance nearly the whole time. It was absolutely lovely. And on top of that, I had a grand time frolicking on the golf course for most of the run. It was the perfect location for an unstructured fartlek. Just did things on a whim. There was a general theme of going fast uphill, but there was also lots of fast downhill, and some fast flat also. Just picked it up whenever I felt like it. When I got tired I pulled back into a jog. Saw a big hill, drove into it.

The downhills were especially fun. They were twisty and technical, really had a single track feel to them. Super fun to bomb down and hit all the apexes and maintain speed. It also gave me an amazing idea - need to use golf cart tracks as go cart racetracks. Would be incredible.

Uphills were great too. I tried focusing on leg lift and strong drive up. I know from XC season that I need to work on my hill speed so hopefully this is helping.

Run ended up a little longer than I anticipated but within a mile. My calves are feeling it today, although not as bad as Tuesday / Wednesday. And I gave them new stress this morning in lift (and in this run). Will just need to keep an eye on it and make sure this volume is sustainable. This week has had some new stuff but nothing crazy. If it ends up that I'm really sore and not recovering over the weekend, I'll dial things back a little bit. But I think I'll be alright. Felt great today.

Training Plan Entry


8 mi

unstructured fartlek; no straining

Pressed loop good option
