Bike: Easy Previous Next


11:24 AM

16.4 mi


16.82 mi / hr


130 bpm
162 bpm
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Another nice bike ride today. Dressed perfectly for the weather and a lot less wind today. Stayed on the hoods mostly instead of the drops today. Didn't feel too much different. Just went down to the drops once I got going fast. Had some fun on a couple of downhills. Felt good. Strava says "this is harder than my usual effort" which is probably true. I've been feeling more of a need for speed recently on the bike haha. And that's feeding my itch for a new bike which isn't great lol. But I also have a couple of ideas to update and improve this current bike. I will ultimately end up getting a new bike at some point, but I'm trying to hold out until after I buy a house. So the updates will hold me over until then. Not that I plan on getting rid of this bike once I get a new one. This one will still remain fun in its own way, and it will be cool to have a 50 year old bike in 17 years.
