Bike: Easy Previous Next


6:30 AM

8.2 mi


17.26 mi / hr


101 bpm
149 bpm


56 F
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Got in a crash today. I was taking a right turn and there was a huge patch of dirt. More like mud. An inch thick and a solid patch of 1 foot by 3 to 4 feet. I was going a little too fast and didn't see it until too late - and it was right in my line. Bike slid out and when I got up, I saw I had a hole in my arm. Size of a shirt button and about the depth of two buttons stacked together.

Thank God there was a lady driving by who was able to drive me to the ER. A couple stitches later and I am good as new! Well, it's in a lot of pain. And I probably won't be biking for a while. And lifting either. Can't really use my right arm for anything.
