Bike: Easy Previous Next


3:19 PM

10.2 mi


16.88 mi / hr


139 bpm
165 bpm
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I wasn't able to run at Mill Cities, and still felt like doing something today, so I hopped on the bike for a short afternoon ride. It worked out quite well. I had enough time to get back before it really started getting dark. I probably could have gone for my normal length ride if I wanted to, but better safe than sorry. That and my hands were never truly warm. I need better gloves for cold riding. Feet were good though. Somewhat surprising. Maybe it is because they're more involved with my platform pedals. I only had running shoes and normal socks on. Or maybe my core body temp was good enough. Either way, nice to know I can ride comfortably on this bike in 40 degrees, except for my hands.
