Bike: Easy Previous Next


7:22 AM

16.2 mi


14.21 mi / hr


108 bpm
140 bpm


60 F
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I woke up pretty late today indicating I was pretty tired, and also I didn't feel like running. So took an off day and biked instead. Right before the Seavens Bridge downhill I got passed pretty hard by another cyclist. At first I figured there'd be no way to catch him and I'll just keep riding my ride, but then I noticed he wasn't making too much of a gap after the initial pass so I figured why not I'll attempt a catch. I paced him more or less on the downhill and then reeled him in on the flats. I was working very hard to do so. That may be the first time I have "sprinted" on a bike. It felt like a hard interval in a running workout. Yeah, I think that's the first time I've ever worked that hard on a bike. It was a good experience. At the end of the street the other cyclist wasn't nearly out of breath as I was lol. But I still was able to catch him on my old steel bike, and he appeared to be working relatively hard.
