Run: Long Previous Next


7:45 AM

19.5 mi


6:10 mi


70 F


7 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


Long run with Johhny, Plank, and Ethan day after Bix (Ie: basically no sleep and a body recovering from the race/festivities). I actually got out the door with the plan of just doing 7 and maybe adding on if I feel good- and of course, I felt like I got a full night sleep and didn't drink at all yesterday. My body makes no sense. Ran from my house down to Arsenal, then to Credit Island at a decent, relaxed click (6:20s). Got water at 40 min and ethan/plank turned around at 45. I had kinda decided to do at least an 1:40 once I felt good. Johhny and I did an outter loop at credit island on the trail, backtracked to get some water after doing a full loop, then came back. From the time plank and ethan left, we were running 6:05s or under, def 6 flat most of the way back. Crossed arsenal and decided to add on more so ran all the way to the slough then back home, added 4 min at the end to make it a full 2 hours. SOLID long run- last hour was probably 6flat or under (5:50 split coming home) and I felt pretty good. Right foot was a bit sore from my shitty and wonderful flats and legs were a bit heavy the last 20 mint but overall, pretty happy to get 2 hours in and have a good 86 mile week.
