Run: Fartlek Previous Next


7:15 PM

5 mi


5:35 mi


70 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
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Got off work early and got to Res to make a make-shift workout. Did a 5 mile consecutive run- 2 mile warmup into a 3 mile fartlek of 2 on/1 off until I hit 5 miles (5x2 on/1 off with an extra 30 second rep at the end to finish it). Warmed up in 12:30 and then started the fartlek. Reps were at 4:49, 48, 45, 43, 40 pace for the 5x2 on with the offs being at 6:15 pace. The last 30 seconds were at 4:16 pace. Overall, ran the 3 miles part of the fartlek in 15:22 which is cruising. The uptempo parts weren't super challenging but they were definitely a good workout. Had to dig a little on the last two 2 minute reps to finish them off but never felt like I was dying or anything. Overall, to be able to work on goal 5k pace in the fartlek was good and to be able to run 15:22 for a fartlek after a long day of work (and 15 miles for the day) shows I'm in a good fitness place and I'm happy with where things are at.
