Run: Easy Previous Next


3:59 PM

10.2 mi


7:12 mi


172.5 lb
149 bpm
161 bpm


18 F


5 / 10
5 / 10
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River Path


Lazy cold/windy morning that made it hard to get out of bed and day drag. Feeling pretty lethargic the last two days. Made myself stop by school in-between my haircut and meetings to get a run in with the plan of going 8. Was cold (real feel 18) mainly because it was windy- 20mph. Did and out and back on the riverpath south to Knoch and back, getting myself to be able to do the full 10 since I didn't feel too bad. Kept it slow and easy and used the time to think through 2024/ potential jobs/ and what that would look like from a financial picture.

I'll take today as a mental win- not exactly the double + workout + core/hips I had planned for the day but also significantly better than taking the day off or going short.
