Run: Long Previous Next


6:35 AM

19 mi


6:05 mi


160 lb
162 bpm
182 bpm


65 F


6 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map



Alumni Long Run- Blackwell grass route (19 miles). Big group, probably 30-40 people with team and alumni there, pretty nice weather (mid 60s, sunny, humid). Super easy first mile and then gradually built down on the way out towards Herrick. Weird long run in terms of the way packs formed- natural packs separated pretty early on so by the time I got to Herrick, was running with Jackson chasing a group about 200 meters up with the majority of the team back behind me. Ran in the 890s, thankfully no left calf issues the whole run although had the right hip pointer tightness again off and on through the run. Could tell as the pace started to dip down that just didn't have a ton of juice in the legs. By the time I got into Herrick, was already running 6:00s (mile 5 on) and just kept it there for a while. Got caught by a group around 7 and went with them for a bit dropping it down to the 5:40s, maintained that until Blackwell where regrouped and left early with the first group since I didn't want to stop for long. Quickly got dropped by them and ran the rest of the way solo getting passed a few times on the way back by people. Kept the pace between 5:45-6:05 for most of the way back, felt a bit uptempo. Legs were just tired, aerobically felt fine but didn't have much juice so kept it right there in the steady pace. Ended up doing grass loop and ran the last 10 miles or so solo. Final result was 19 miles at 6:04 pace so not bad overall but a bit dissapointed as to the lack of juice, really wanted to try and challenge myself today and didn't really have the energy to do so. That being said, happy to be healthy and that no calf issues on the run. Another quality long run in the bag.
