Run: Long Previous Next


7:25 AM

20 mi


6:05 mi


161 lb
163 bpm
176 bpm


85 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


Morton Arb long run with DW. Was already warm/humid/sunny by the time we started, roughly 85 real feel. Had a decent group of Damon, Dan, Bles, and myself. Plan was to do 17-20 depending how I felt, wasn't sure how the legs were going to feel after the race Thursday combined with the heat/humidity/hills trifecta. Wore the 890s and thankfully felt way better than last week's long run. Started off chill enough but as usual, BLes was one stepping and the pace started to ramp up a bit early for my liking. I was hoping we'd have our first figure 8 (7.5 miles) chill but were already 6:15s by mile 4 and 6:05 by mile 5, granted with some downhill but still. At this point, mentally I just wanted to stay chill- the pace wasn't terrible but for so early in a hilly long run, just wanted to stay relaxed. Had fluids off and on with Dan W driving his bike by, a little different than normal but probably helped in the long run keep me cool. The pace continued to creep up as the next few miles were 6:20/5:58/6:14 as we finished the first figure 8 and started the 2nd. BLes and Dan basically took off and starting tempoing and things got pretty strung out. I was set on trying to do the full 20 so I just stayed smart and maintained pace. Basically was solo from 7.5 on and oscilated between 5:50s-6:10s most of the last 13 miles. Miles 9,10,11,12 finishing up the loop were 5:55/6:05/6:00/5:45 (downhill) but was still feeling smooth enough. BLes had stopped at 12 and I ran into Damon and Dan at the top of the hill around 12.5 but then they took off tempoing again so was solo again. Really just focused on staying smooth. Despite the heat, breathing was fine, legs were just tired from the hills. Grinded out the last loop solo and finished strong for a solid 20. 850 ft of elevation, 6:05 pace for 20 miles in 85 degree weather- really solid run and really happy with it. Legs deff tired by the end but breathing had stayed controlled (never spiked much above 170). Happy with myself for running smart and controlled.
