Run: Long Previous Next


6:37 AM

17.8 mi


6:45 mi


170 lb
151 bpm
165 bpm


25 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
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Interesting long-run this morning. Did a version of the South-Naperville route I did a month back w/ Connor/Logan/Molloy but added more on the path by NRC south before looping back to make it a proper 2 hour route. 100% was still feeling the edible this morning which made for an interesting run. Was cold and rainy but thankfully was dressed accordingly. Did my pre-run pre-hab but right achilles still went through the normal painful to numb transition the first 5 miles before eventually loosening up. 3 pickups the first 3 miles w/ Connor and otherwise settled into a decent pace w/ a decent group. Aerobically felt fine but was very acutely aware of the tightness in my right high hammy and in my achilles most of the run. Thankfully- based on the brain fog, run went by smoothly enough because I didn't have the brain capacity to over-think it and feel like it was dragging. Pace gradually progressed throughout the run which I didn't feel great about physically but aerobically was fine. Last 30 was a struggle as my butt was chafing, I had to shit, but never found a bathroom until I got back near school.

Happy to get the 2 hours in- aerobically didn't feel challenging at all and helps add a bright spot to this otherwise throwaway week. Bit concerned with how sore the body is in spots despite an easy week w/ no workouts but will have to work on that. Lifting/core after.
