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3:00 PM

13 mi


5:40 mi


15 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
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Four Lakes


Four Lakes today for first time in 2 years- goal was to run it smarter and get a solid top to bottom workout in.

Tempo: Roughly 27:50. Built into it pretty slowly and didn't dip under 6 minute pace until probably half way through. Settled into 5:30s from college road until we hit the straightaway and then probably 5:20s or so the last 10 minutes. Was fast but smooth, most of us stayed all together and were relatively comfortable talking (for me, it was right on that threshold but it was "relatively" comfortable). Took a hard fall cutting through the ice by the dude's yard that cut up my knee but I was alright.

Jogged over to the hill

6xhills: Took the hills pretty hard, foot felt fine for the first time in a while so really got after it. Led the group on the first three hills and pushed the rest a bit too to make sure to get in a quality workout. Troy took off on the fourth and the group opened up from that point. I tried to stay strong and push and for the most part, finished just a few seconds behind the group (troy, johhny, root, mitch, and luke). 17:45 for this.

Jogged over to the neighboorhood to start the fartlek.

Fartlek: decided to switch it up and did 5x2 on/1 off versus the normal 2/3/4 format so that we didn't get super beat up and so we could get a more quality fartlek in. Super windy. Treated like blackwell (45 sec blowout, jogged till 4 in, then did the reps). For the most part, All our group (same from hills) stayed together- uptempo but not terrible, probably running sub 5 minute pace into the wind but it was smooth- right on that red line. On the fourth one, a dog attacked us and i ended up running straight through it. Overall, pretty solid fartlek and I felt like i got a much more quality one in.

Cooldown: 6:30- jog back to school.

Overall: pretty happy with the workout. Great 13 miles of work, smooth tempo, hard on the hills, and a good fartlek- very quality without absolutely killing my legs. Big plus that the foot felt alright
