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3:15 PM

14.6 mi


5:42 mi


20 F


10 / 10
7 / 10
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Four Lakes


Four Lakes today. Had mixed feelings going in- my hips were tight already and I didn't have time to stretch beforehand. We got going rather early on during the tempo, and Spain, kerley, and me broke away around 2 miles in. My goal was just to maintain and hang on longer than before- suprisingly, my stride felt pretty smooth and powerful, breathing wasn't too terrible. I managed to hang just a little bit longer than last time- almost made it all the way to green-tails turn off. When they pulled away, I didn't really fade either, but I was pretty damn tired. The best I can say about it was a controlled tie-up the last half mile or so. Still, ran 26:07 which for it being cold and windy today, I'll take as a good tempo.

6xhills- went ok. First two were a struggle, I hadn't really recovered from the tempo at all and stuck with mitch, emilio, brink, and sparks as spain, then kerley, then ferst gapped us. I managed to recover enough to push 3-6 and slowly pulled away from that group. By now, my left hip and left achilles were flaring pretty bad- but I managed to get into a pretty good rhythm where i could gut out the hill. Finished in 18:14- not bad considering the wind was blowing downhill. I'll take it as a solid

Fartlek- probably the worst part of the workout, normal 2,3,4- 2,3,4. Stuck with Spain and Kerley on the 1st and 2nd but they dropped me after that. I didn't have any turnover, my hips were shot and the best I could do was find a nice tempo pace. The wind was pretty strong and I was in no- mans land bymyself, behind those two and we had already gapped everyone else. The rest the fartlek was interesting- it was slow, and i couldn't really push hard on the reps (turnover i mean) so it basically was a varied pace tempo. Ended up at 23:40 which is super slow- but I'll take it, because as i went further and further, i literally couldn't lift my legs that much because of the hips being so tight.

Maintenance 400- Started off behind everyone and worked my way up through the group, ALMOST caught emilio, who was the leader, which was pretty sweet. I was suprised- my hips didnt hurt at ALL, although after they were cashed and just straight locked up. Ran 57.2 which is again a new pr- plus i had to pass on the outside, so it almost wouldve been sub 57.

Cooldown- jogged an easy mile and half with a stop for having to shit. Added on hurdle drills after the meeting with Spain and Nick before I went and lifted. 14:00 (cooldown+inbetween the tempo/hills/fartlek)

4.9 mile tempo-26:07, 3.2 mile hill-18:14, 4.2 mile fartlek-23:40, 400-57.2, 2 mile cooldown-14:00
